Understanding Classes and Objects in JavaScript

Understanding Classes and Objects in JavaScript

Dipesh Chaulagain
Dipesh Chaulagain

5. Classes And Objects

In JavaScript, objects and classes are fundamental constructs used for organizing and managing data and behavior in your code. Understanding the differences and relationships between objects and classes is crucial for effective JavaScript programming.


An object in JavaScript is a collection of properties, where a property is an association between a name (or key) and a value. These properties can hold values of primitive data types, other objects, or functions. Objects are used to represent real-world entities and are fundamental to JavaScript’s object-oriented programming (OOP) capabilities.

Creating Objects

  1. Object Literals

    let person = {
      name: 'John',
      age: 30,
      greet: function () {
        console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);
  2. Using the Object Constructor

    let person = new Object();
    person.name = 'John';
    person.age = 30;
    person.greet = function () {
      console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);
  3. Object.create() Method

    let personPrototype = {
      greet: function () {
        console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);
    let person = Object.create(personPrototype);
    person.name = 'John';
    person.age = 30;

Accessing and Modifying Properties

console.log(person.name); // John
person.age = 31;
console.log(person.age); // 31


Objects can contain functions, which are called methods when they are properties of objects.

person.greet(); // Hello, John


A class in JavaScript is a blueprint for creating objects with predefined properties and methods. Classes make it easier to create multiple objects with the same structure and behavior.

Defining Classes

  1. Class Declaration

    class Person {
      constructor(name, age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
      greet() {
        console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);
  2. Class Expression

    let Person = class {
      constructor(name, age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
      greet() {
        console.log('Hello, ' + this.name);

Creating Instances

let john = new Person('John', 30);
john.greet(); // Hello, John
console.log(john.age); // 30


Classes can inherit from other classes using the extends keyword. This allows for creating hierarchical class structures.

class Employee extends Person {
  constructor(name, age, jobTitle) {
    super(name, age); // Calls the parent class's constructor
    this.jobTitle = jobTitle;

  work() {
    console.log(this.name + ' is working as a ' + this.jobTitle);

let jane = new Employee('Jane', 28, 'Software Engineer');
jane.greet(); // Hello, Jane
jane.work(); // Jane is working as a Software Engineer

Key Differences Between Objects and Classes

  1. Definition and Instantiation:
    • Objects: Created directly using object literals, Object constructor, or Object.create().
    • Classes: Defined using class syntax and instantiated using the new keyword.
  2. Inheritance:
    • Objects: Inheritance is typically handled using prototypes and Object.create().
    • Classes: Inheritance is handled using the extends keyword and super function.
  3. Structure and Reusability:
    • Objects: Often used for individual instances with specific properties and methods.
    • Classes: Used to define a blueprint for creating multiple objects with the same properties and methods.


Understanding objects and classes in JavaScript is crucial for effective code organization and reuse. Objects provide a way to group related data and functions, while classes offer a more structured and scalable approach to creating multiple similar objects and implementing inheritance. Using these constructs appropriately allows for cleaner, more maintainable, and more robust JavaScript applications.